Results in full: agile learning culture
How important is it to your organisation to build an agile learning culture?
Note: An agile learning culture can be defined as a collection of organisational conventions, values, practices and processes which encourage employees and organisations to develop knowledge and competence. It puts continuous learning at the heart of the organisation and seeks to benefit from the various knowledge centres throughout the business.
Extremely important
Somewhat important
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Totally unimportant
Where is your organisation on the roadmap to building an agile learning culture?
We are defining the scope
We are in the process of implementing
We haven’t started and will not in the immediate future
We have a roadmap and are about to launch
We have completed the implementation
What are the main barriers/challenges to becoming more agile in your learning culture?

What are the top three drivers of a truly agile learning culture for your business?

Employee engagement and meeting the needs of individuals

Flexibility and agility of the organisation and workforce